Code of Conduct for Student-Athletes
I pledge to:
- Be respectful of my coaches and trainers. I will refer to them as “Coach”, “Mr.” Mrs./Ms.” or “Dr.” where applicable and give them my undivided attention during all discussions and drills.
- Be respectful to all other participants in the camp or group activity regardless of age, gender, race, background or school.
- Be respectful of the grounds where we are training.
- Control my emotions. Foul language, verbal abuse, threats or physical violence will not be tolerated and I understand it can/may be reason for my immediate dismissal of the current camp/group
activity without any refund and restriction from any future camp/group activity. I fully accept any disciplinary action by the coaches if I use foul language or verbal abuse without any further
comment or discussion.
- Work hard on every drill. I realize I am here to improve and I can only do that by giving my best effort and attention.
- Not utilize any illegal, banned or controlled substances to either help or harm my athletic performance.
Code of Conduct for Parents of Student-Athletes
I pledge to:
- Encourage my student-athlete child to participate to the best of their ability.
- Understand that I may be allowed to watch camp/group activities from a pre-determined area or distance. This viewing is a privilege and not a right and may not be available for any part or all of
the current camp/group activity or any future camp/group activity.
- I will not interfere with any Coach’s decision or drill. I understand I am paying professionals with a great deal of experience to best teach and coach my student-athlete.
- Refrain from coaching, yelling or talking with my student-athlete child, in either a positive or negative form, while any camp or group activity is in session.
- Encourage my student-athlete child to follow the rules and code of conduct along with the direction of the coaches.
- Remember that the student-athletes are involved in the camp/group activity for their enjoyment and benefit, not mine.
- Control my emotions. Foul language, verbal abuse, threats or physical violence towards any coach, my student-athlete child or other participants and their parents will not be tolerated and will
be reason for immediate dismissal of me and my student-athlete child from the current camp/group activity without any refund and restriction of my student-athlete child from any future camp/group
- If I disagree with a certain aspect that is being taught in the camp, I will address this with a coach outside of training time. After discussion with the coach, if I still do not agree
with the technique/drill/method being taught, I understand I can withdraw my student-athlete from the camp. I understand that the coaches are using the latest in functional training based on
the latest valid research and training methods and this may conflict with my expectations and experience.
- Discuss the actions of any other parent that is in violation of this code with the coaches. I will not ignore other parents that run afoul of the code, but I will not take any action