NOTE- This information is being left up despite being outdated now to outline a more detailed camp that Apex Athletic Performance can again put on for your team, club or community. Please give the information below a read to see how a more detailed camp is available. Much more than just doing drills. Not many camps also entail the classroom portion that we included.
-Academy logo courtesy of Seth Frack
The Elkhart Lake Spring Sports Academy presented by Apex Athletic Performance is an annual week-long camp with full days of general and sports-specific field training with classroom sessions. This camp will allow a structured, safe, and highly innovative training environment for numerous sports, with many local recreational activities available for non-participating families of the student-athletes/athletes in attendance. This cutting-edge training is something that will give our clients an “extra edge” in the competitive arena. Targeted athletes will primarily consist of grade to high school range student-athletes, but some college athletes, and adult recreational and club level sports training will also be invited and included.
Sports to be covered:
Track and Field
Combined summer dryland training for ice hockey, swimming, XC skiing
Every day will have structured “two-a-day” sessions, with a dynamic warm-up, followed by skilled sessions on improving physical requirements for each sport. Video capture programs like Dart Fish will be available to break down and evaluate techniques. Between sessions, classroom break-out programs (listed below) will educate student-athletes on various training needs that are not covered in traditional camps or in their respective sporting programs. Every session and day will finish with a cool-down program. Objective screening and testing will be seen at the onset of the week with a retest on the last day of the week.
College recruitment possibilities may also be seen as scouts for regional NCAA Division IAA/FCS and smaller colleges/universities are being invited for the Friday afternoon combine. Sports-specific massage therapy evening sessions can also be scheduled by appointment only through affiliated facilities. The Osthoff will have morning and evening sports-specific Yoga sessions for participants for a nominal extra fee.
Classroom sessions will include:
Training Methods- The latest in functional training methods will be discussed with “hands-on” content
The Concerns and Negative Issues of Performance Enhancement Drugs- The illegal and unethical aspects of PEDs will be discussed along with the numerous negative side effects.
Concussion Awareness and Recovery- A class that every coach, athlete, and parent should attend. How to discern if a concussion is present, the steps to recovery, possible concussion prevention, and the dangers of ignoring the signs will be discussed in depth.
Proper Recovery Methods- Recovery options, recovery nutrition, rest, and “active rest” with their benefits will be covered
Sports Psychology- Once you get the sports skills, all that separates you from the best of the best is how the mind and body work together. This underutilized aspect of your game will be covered
Visual Acuity Training- Hand-eye coordination is an often-used phrase. You can train your eyes to help see a pitch coming at you with more accuracy; depth perception can be sharpened, along with peripheral vision and visual reaction training.
Periodization of Your Training- You can't train at 100% all the time. This session will discuss how to set your season goals and work backward from that to ensure you peak athletically at the right time and you don’t suffer burnout.
Sports Nutrition- Nutrition helps you with performance, weight control recovery, and injury prevention. The ins and outs of sports nutrition will be covered.
Heart Rate Monitor Training- This device more than anything else revolutionized training when they were introduced. If you are a serious athlete, you must use a heart rate monitor
to get the best out of your
training and performance and take your training to the next level. We’ll discuss features that some models have, how to find your limits, and how to digest and analyze the resultant
Rehabilitation Discussion- Sports will result in injuries. We’ll discuss some self-diagnosis and home treatment options, along with when to seek medical attention and what to expect in certain areas of care.
Weight Room Technique- Weight rooms can be the site of great improvement or season and career-ending injuries. Here is a primer on how to safely use the weight room with the best benefit and what lifts are best for your sport.
How to Keep a Training Log- Training logs combine everything discussed prior on heart rate monitor data, training periodization, and nutrition allowing you to ensure beneficial and safe training programs are followed. We’ll talk about what aspects you should log, different formats, online options, etc.
Host- The Village of Elkhart Lake
Host Hotel- The Osthoff Resort
The Osthoff has special rates for attendees to the ELSSA. Mention the Elkhart Lake Spring Sports Academy when making your reservation.
Host Fields and Gyms- Vollrath Park and the facilities of Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah Middle and High Schools
Host Golf Course- Quit Qui Oc
Local recreation ideas for the Parents and Family-
Schedule subject to change regarding programming and time slots
An impressive list of coaches has been assembled for this Academy, some of whom are in their respective Hall of Fame!
The week-long program would cost student-athletes $330 per participant, lodging, breakfast and dinner not included.
There will be two price breaks for early registration. A $30 discount in the overall fee will be seen for registrants 3-6 months in advance, with a $10 discount for student-athletes who
register at least 30 days prior.
Teams with more than 3 student-athletes signing up together will have a discount applied. Contact us for details!
You can find The Elkhart Lake Spring Sports Academy on Facebook to keep up with all the latest developments.
Proposed Schedule
All day- Athletes arrive
6:00 pm-8:00 pm Welcome Reception at The Osthoff with registration
8:30- 9:00 morning debrief
9:00-10:45 Initial Screening
10:45 Morning nutrition break
11:00-12:00 AM classroom session
12:00-1:30 Lunch/Downtime
1:30-3:00 Sport specific drills/plyometrics
3:30-3:45 Afternoon nutrition break
4:00-4:30 Afternoon Classroom Session
5:00- 6:00- Evening Yoga Class at Osthoff (optional)
7:00- 8:00- Morning Sports Specific Yoga Class at Osthoff (optional)
8:30 morning debrief
9:00-9:30 Warm up and speed camp work
9:30-10:45 Baseline Objective Testing
10:45 Morning nutrition break
11:00-12:00 AM classroom session
12:00-1:30 Lunch/Downtime
1:30-3:00 Sport specific drills/plyometrics
3:30-3:45 Afternoon nutrition break
4:00-4:30 Afternoon Classroom Session
7:00-8:00 Celebrity Guest Speaker- Green Bay Packers Special Teams Assistant Coach Chad Morton will be our keynote speaker!
Coach Morton's bio: click HERE.
8:30 morning debrief
9:00-9:30 Warm up and speed camp work
9:30-10:30 Agility drills/weight room
10:30-10:45 Morning nutrition break
11:00-12:00 AM classroom session
Dismiss for the day for family time
Possible afternoon day trip to Lambeau Field
(A special general field agility session may be available in the afternoon for those student-athletes who would like an additional session.)
5:00- 6:00- Evening Yoga Class at Osthoff (optional)
7:00- 8:00- Morning Sports Specific Yoga Class at Osthoff (optional)
8:30 morning debrief
9:00-9:30 Warm up and speed camp work
9:30-10:30 Agility drills/weight room
10:30-10:45 Morning nutrition break
11:00-12:00 Classroom session- Sports Nutrition- Dr. Dan Francis
12:00-1:30 Lunch/Downtime
1:30-3:00 Sport specific drills/plyometrics
3:30-3:45 Afternoon nutrition break
4:00-4:30 Afternoon Classroom Session
8:30 morning debrief
9:00-9:30 Warm up and speed camp work
9:30-10:30 Agility drills/weight room
10:30-10:45 Morning nutrition break
11:00-12:00 AM classroom session
12:00-1:30 Lunch/Downtime
1:30-4:00 Objective Testing Re-checks/Combine Testing
4:00 Afternoon nutrition break during classroom session
4:00-4:30 Afternoon Classroom Session
5:00- ELSSA Finale!
Click here for the Application/Entrance form for the Elkhart Lake Spring Sports Academy