Welcome to Apex Athletic Performance, where high school , college and adult regional athletes in East Central Wisconsin go to maximize their athletic potential under the coaching skills of Dr. David Eric Boll, PES and Callie Helminger, CPT.
We are your athletic skills development specialist for all of East Central Wisconsin. All the necessary skills that transfer over to all sports are coached and drilled through our athletic skills development sessions and camps.
What We Do:
- Prepare the High School Student Athlete for College play.
- Team Training Sessions. We can run your team through a Pre-season prep program, in-season conditioning program and/or post season program.
- Objective Screening and Testing, because you cannot improve what you do not measure.
- Group Training Camps for Athletic Skill Development to improve acceleration, agility, strength and endurance skills that translates to all sports.
- "Classroom Sessions".
- Individualized training sessions
- Rehabilitation services, to include coordination with any health care clinician you may see.
Mission Statement- "Your athleticism will increase, you will have more self-confidence, and we will return you from injury better than you were before being injured."