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Apex Athletic Performance and Rehabilitation

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Adell, WI 53001

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Apex Athletic Performance and Rehabilitation
Apex Athletic Performance and Rehabilitation

Frequently Asked Questions about the Elkhart Lake Spring Sports Academy

Q) Who would benefit from this Academy?

A) Any student athlete between 14-20 that wants to maximize their athletic potential.  We go beyond just normal speed camp drills and expand into the full picture of what it takes to be an athlete.  The mental aspect.....the physical aspect. 



Q) What can I expect during the ELSSA?

A) Although every day will be a bit different, early in the week we want to get an objective baseline of where each student-athlete is.  We will do a Functional Movement Screen and some other objective testing to work from.  On Friday, we'll re-test and put your skills to the test with an afternoon Combine.  Regional colleges and universities are being invited to observe the Friday Combine.  Some sports will fall under the "Quiet" or "Dead" times for recruitment, but for others, here is a chance to show off your athletic potential!


The format will have general athletic skill development morning session, followed by a classroom session back at The Osthoff Resort.  After lunch, we'll head to our respective training arenas and work on sport specific drills.  We'll then end the day with another classroom session.



Q) How will we get back and forth from The Osthoff to our fields/gyms?

A) We have contracted with a bus service to shuttle student-athletes from the Osthoff to the fields.  If you are not staying at the Osthoff, you will need to find your own transportation to the resort in the morning.  Although tentative at this point, we are scheduled to have a very short morning debriefing to go over the schedule for that day.  From there, we'll use the bus to transport us to the training areas.



Q) My parents would like to sit in on the classroom sessions.  Is that ok?

A) Definately, in fact for sessions like the one on Concussion Awareness and Treatment, we highly recommend that the parents attend that session, as they play an integral part in the detection and compliance with professional treatment recommendations.



Q) Do you offer discounts for teams attending the ELSSA?

A) Yes.  Please contact Dr. David Boll at Apex Athletic Performance if you have multiple members of the same school or club sport team that are interested in attending. We do offer unpublicized discounts for mutliple members from the same organization.  

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